Plans for next update

It's been a while since I've updated here! Apologies for that! Work is still being made on SD for sure and I'd like to keep you guys in the loop on the progress as it has been a moment!

I've been getting asked a lot of questions of "When will the next chapter come out?"

That is still up in the air as I am still working on it, I still plan for it to be end of year for the full Chapter to be done. The reason why it's taking a minute is because this next update I plan on it being fully voiced. There will be slight newer content in it and some horror stuff as well as some Alfred lore, Calliope time, Storm content, the conjoined men, and more in the next update though! The next small update will be hopefully sooner than the end of the year that will have the content above in it. Thank you for your patience on this and here's a new cg that'll be in the next update as a sneak peek! 

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Glad to hear it! I can't wait too see more content in the future. Take your time and goodluck!

(1 edit) (+2)

Hello! will the game be sold on steam? due to the sanctions. I can't buy the game here on the website icho


Hello! There is no set date yet, but this is another future plan we plan to implement soon! :)